Become a Wolverine Gold Medal Fund Member

As the landscape of college wrestling continues to evolve and grow, so does the daily impact and importance of a world-class senior level club and regional training center (RTC). Michigan’s Cliff Keen Wrestling Club was established in 1987 and named after legendary Coach Cliff Keen. At Michigan, we value our history, traditions, and legacies.

The Wolverine Gold Medal Fund was established to provide essential support for the Cliff Keen Wrestling Club, the Michigan Wrestling program, and the Michigan Regional Training Center (RTC). Through this fund you will play a pivotal role in our future success. Your generous donation will have a daily impact on all of our wrestlers and our ability to consistently recruit the nation’s very best, provide world-class coaching, and fund travel for elite international competition and training camps.

Become a sustaining member of Michigan’s Cliff Keen Wrestling Club by setting up a recurring donation of $25, $50, or $100 to the Wolverine Gold Medal Fund today. Your membership in the Blue Crew, Victors or 100 Men of Michigan will get you the gear item listed upon subscribing.
The Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of annual support will get gear every year you donate at that level.

Donation levels and appreciation gifts are below:

Current Progress

Blue Crew

20 of 75 People


12 of 50 People

100 Men of Michigan

19 of 100 People